perm filename EURISK.OTL[RDG,DBL] blob sn#574958 filedate 1981-03-27 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
@Comment{OUTLINE of EURISK.MSS generated by Scribe 3A(1130) on 27 March 1981 at 18:14}
1 Introduction                                            1 EURISK.MSS, 00100/3
  1.1 Defn of EURISKO                                     1 EURISK.MSS, 00300/3
  1.2 Overview of Paper                                   1 EURISK.MSS, 05100/3
  1.3 Purpose of Paper, and Audience                      2 EURISK.MSS, 07800/3
2 EURISKO Itself - What it does, and how                  2 EURISK.MSS, 00100/4
                              EURISKO-Itself              2 EURISK.MSS, 00300/4
  2.1 EURISKO is an extension of AM                       2 EURISK.MSS, 00400/4
                              AM-Like                     2 EURISK.MSS, 00500/4
3 Building a KB using EURISKO                             4 EURISK.MSS, 00100/5
                              Scenario                    4 EURISK.MSS, 00200/5
  3.1 Designing and constructing a new knowledge base.@   4 EURISK.MSS, 00100/6
  3.2 Actual Construction of the KB                       7 EURISK.MSS, 00100/7
  3.3 Exploration stage                                  10 EURISK.MSS, 00100/8
  3.4 Reconfiguration stage                              11 EURISK.MSS, 00100/9
  3.5 Closing remarks                                    13 EURISK.MSS, 00100/10
4 Underpinnings                                          13 EURISK.MSS, 00100/12
                              Underpinnings              13 EURISK.MSS, 00200/12
  4.1 Why a representation language?                     14 EURISK.MSS, 00400/12
  4.2 Making this rl self-descriptive/self-modifiable s  14 EURISK.MSS, 04000/12
                              RLL                        14 EURISK.MSS, 04700/12
  4.3 Likewise everything is explicit in EURISKO         15 EURISK.MSS, 09200/12
5 Use of Heuristics?                                     16 EURISK.MSS, 00100/13
                              Heuristics                 16 EURISK.MSS, 00200/13
  5.1 Why it pays to automate discovery of Heuristics    16 EURISK.MSS, 01200/13
                              WhyHeurs                   16 EURISK.MSS, 01300/13
  5.2 Just what are Heuristics, anyway?                  17 EURISK.MSS, 00100/14
                              DefnHeurs                  17 EURISK.MSS, 00200/14
    5.2.1 But heuristics are slightly different          18 EURISK.MSS, 03900/14
  5.3 How does EURISKO add new heuristics?               18 EURISK.MSS, 07300/14
                              HeursAuto                  18 EURISK.MSS, 07400/14
  5.4 Known methods of generating heuristics             19 EURISK.MSS, 00100/15
6 Actual Structure of Heuristics                         19 EURISK.MSS, 00100/16
                              ActualHeuristics           19 EURISK.MSS, 00200/16
7 Meta                                                   20 EURISK.MSS, 01300/16
                              Meta                       20 EURISK.MSS, 01400/16
8 Conclusion                                             20 EURISK.MSS, 00100/17
9 Acknowledgements                                       20 EURISK.MSS, 00100/18
 Table of Contents                                        1 058S01.TMP, 00300/1
	Alphabetic Listing of Cross-Reference Tags and Labels

Tag or Label Name                    Page   Label Value  Source file Location
ACTUALHEURISTICS                       19           6  EURISK.MSS, 00200/16
AM-LIKE                                 2         2.1  EURISK.MSS, 00500/4
DEFNHEURS                              17         5.2  EURISK.MSS, 00200/14
EURISKO-ITSELF                          2           2  EURISK.MSS, 00300/4
HEURISTICS                             16           5  EURISK.MSS, 00200/13
HEURSAUTO                              18         5.3  EURISK.MSS, 07400/14
META                                   20           7  EURISK.MSS, 01400/16
RLL                                    14         4.2  EURISK.MSS, 04700/12
SCENARIO                                4           3  EURISK.MSS, 00200/5
UNDERPINNINGS                          13           4  EURISK.MSS, 00200/12
WHYHEURS                               16         5.1  EURISK.MSS, 01300/13